AlacritySim Wiki

Where spaces are shown in HTML tags (such as < b > or < /b >), remove the spaces.

HTML Guide[]


BOLD < b >text here< /b >
Under Line < u > text here < /u>
Italic < i >text here< /i >
Larger font < font size="#">text here
text here
  • bullet
  • bullet
  • bullet

  • text here
  • text here
  • text here
  1. List
  2. List
  3. List

  1. text here
  2. text here
  3. text here
Making Clickable Links <a href="url">text</a>
Lookingupducklingyellow.png <img src="image url">
Linking a clickable image < a href="url" >< img src="image url" >< /a >

Font Color[]

~When using the following html codes be sure to remove the * (asterisk) from it to allow the code to work.

~You can find hex codes by searching for them on google or any other search engine.

<*font color="#FF0000">text<*/font>
<*font color="#0000FF">text<*/font>
Purple <*font color="#800080">text<*/font>
Teal <*font color="#008080">text<*/font>
Any Hex Color <*font color="#??????">text<*/font>
(replace the ?????? with a hex code)


Tag Size Image Here <img src="image url">
Tag Size Image with link built in Here <a href="url"><img src="image url"></a>
Larger Size Image with Link Built in <img src="img url" width="##" height="##" border="#">
change # to the size you need
if you want no border around your image set to 0


(remove the * for this tag to work)[]

this tag starts an stops each row (horizontal placings) of the table
this tag starts and stops each collumn (vertical placings) of the table

Every row should start with and end with, and each collumn
should have a corresponding